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Educating for Citizenship with Cinema in a Prison Context.

Educar para a Cidadania com o Cinema em Contexto Prisional.

Dias-Trindade, Sara1 and Moreira, J. António2

1) Faculdade de Letras (DHEEAA) – Universidade de Coimbra e CEIS20-UC., Coimbra, Protugal; 2) Universidade Aberta, Porto, Portugal.




Dias-Trindade, S. and Moreira, J. A. (2018, November 6). Educating for Citizenship with Cinema in a Prison Context [Conference session]. 1st. International Seminar “Education and E-learning in Prisons in Portugal”, Porto, Portugal.



Based on an active learning methodology for viewing and analyzing films dedicated to themes in the areas of citizenship and social sciences, cinema is used as a strategy for the development of key competences related to critical thinking, problem solving, cooperation , communication and social assertiveness.

Assente numa metodologia de aprendizagem ativa de visualização e análise de filmes dedicados a temas das áreas da cidadania e das ciências sociais, o cinema é usado como estratégia para desenvolvimento de competências-chave, relacionadas com o pensamento crítico, a resolução de problemas, a cooperação, a comunicação e a assertividade social.



Over the last few decades, and as a result, above all, of the changes that have taken place in labor markets, it has become increasingly urgent to rethink learning processes. Today, educational institutions face the challenge not only of promoting the development of foundational skills or literacies, but also of fostering the maturation of cognitive and social skills, designated by some international organizations (WEF, 2015) as the Key Competences for the 21st Century. In this text we present the results of a qualitative study that places emphasis on the perceptions of the subjects and aims to promote the psychosocial reintegration of inmate students. Based on a methodology of active learning of visualization and analysis of films dedicated to themes of the areas of citizenship and social sciences, cinema is used as a strategy for the development of key competences related to critical thinking, problem solving, cooperation, communication and social assertiveness.

Ao longo das últimas décadas, e resultado, sobretudo, das mudanças que têm ocorrido nos mercados de trabalho, tem-se tornado cada vez mais premente repensar os processos de aprendizagem. As instituições educativas enfrentam, hoje, o desafio não só de promover o desenvolvimento das competências ou literacias fundacionais, mas também o de fomentar a maturação de competências cognitivas e sociais, designadas por alguns organismos internacionais (WEF, 2015) como as Competências-chave para o Século 21. Neste texto apresentam-se os resultados de um estudo, de cariz qualitativo que coloca a ênfase na percepção dos sujeitos, e que tem como objetivo promover a reintegração psicossocial de estudantes reclusos. Assente numa metodologia de aprendizagem ativa de visualização e análise de filmes dedicados a temas das áreas da cidadania e das ciências sociais, o cinema é usado como estratégia para o desenvolvimento dessas competências-chave, relacionadas com o pensamento crítico, a resolução de problemas, a cooperação, a comunicação e a assertividade social.



Formative Assessment; Competences; Audiovisual Technology; Inclusion; Learning in Prisons.

Avaliação Formativa; Competencias; Tecnologia Audiovisual; Inclusão; Aprendizagem nas Prisões.



The author certifies that there is no actual or potential conflict of interest in relation to this video article.



PhD in History – Didactics. Teacher at the Faculty of Arts (DHEEAA) of the University of Coimbra. Researcher in the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies of the 20th Century (CEIS20-UC) of the University of Coimbra, currently integrating its coordination team. She is also a researcher at the Mobile Unit for Research in Local Studies at the Open University and in several research groups from different Brazilian universities. She has been participating in international projects related to her areas of interest such as Didactics, Teacher Training, Educational Technologies and Cinema in Education. She has participated in different national and international publications and has been a guest speaker, both in Portugal and in the in the same areas.

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