Medical and Health Sciences
Medical and Health Sciences

E-learning for Life and in Prisional Context: EPRIS

E-learning para a Vida e em Contexto Prisional: EPRIS.

Barros, Rita1 & Monteiro, Angélica2.

1) Instituto Piaget, Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal; 2) Centro de Investigação e Intervenção Educativas – FPCEUP, Porto, Portugal.




Barros, R. and Monteiro, A. (2018, November 6). E-learning for Life and in Prisional Context: EPRIS [Conference session]. 1st. International Seminar “Education and E-learning in Prisons in Portugal”, Porto, Portugal.



E-PRIS – “E-learning in prisons” – is a pilot e-learning project in prison context that aims to contribute to the development of skills in the use of ICT in women in situations of imprisonment, as a way to promote conditions for future socio-labor reintegration.

O E-PRIS – “E-learning em estabelecimentos prisionais” – é um projeto-piloto de e-learning em contexto prisional que pretende contribuir para o desenvolvimento de competências na utilização das TIC em mulheres em situação de reclusão, como forma de promover condições para uma futura reinserção sócio-laboral.



E-PRIS – “E-learning in prisons” – is a pilot e-learning project in prison context that aims to contribute to the development of ICT skills of in female inmate, as a way to promote conditions for future socio-labor reintegration. Based on the potential of e-learning as a device of pedagogical differentiation that promotes digital inclusion, the training aimed at digital literacy has allowed the development of new methodologies and tools for educational intervention appropriate to this population. The project integrated a training offer that sought to meet the needs of female inmates and, at the same time, stimulate their interest in training activities using ICTs, in a lifelong learning logic, with accompanying individual efforts in terms of learning and through the encouragement of group dynamics, particularly those developed in a virtual environment.

O E-PRIS – “E-learning em estabelecimentos prisionais” – é um projeto-piloto de e-learning em contexto prisional que pretende contribuir para o desenvolvimento de competências na utilização das TIC em mulheres em situação de reclusão, como forma de promover condições para uma futura reinserção sócio-laboral. Partindo das potencialidades do e-learning como dispositivo de diferenciação pedagógica promotor de inclusão digital, a aposta formativa direcionada à literacia digital, permitiu o desenvolvimento de novas metodologias e ferramentas de intervenção educativa adequadas a esta população. O projeto integrou uma oferta formativa que pretendeu ir ao encontro das necessidades das reclusas e, simultaneamente, incentivar o seu interesse pelas atividades formativas com recurso às TIC, numa lógica de aprendizagem ao longo da vida, com acompanhamento dos esforços individuais em termos de aprendizagem e através do incentivo a dinâmicas de grupo, particularmente as desenvolvidas em ambiente virtual.



e-learning, lifelong learning, prison education, digital inclusion, ICT.

e-learning, aprendizagem ao longo da vida, educação nas prisões, inclusão digital, TIC



This work is financed by national funds through the FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., under the UID/Multi/04587/2013 project.



The author certifies that there is no actual or potential conflict of interest in relation to this video article.



Dr Rita Barros has a PhD in Educational Sciences, at Faculty of Educational Sciences of Santiago de Compostela University (Spain). Graduated and Master in Psychology, at Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of Oporto University (Portugal). Diploma of Advanced Studies in Personal Development and Social Intervention, at Psychology Department – Valencia University (Spain). Coordinating Professor of the Piaget Institute (since 2000) and Deputy Director of the Jean Piaget Health High School at the Vila Nova de Gaia Academic Campus (Portugal). Responsible for the curricular units of Psychology and Education scientific areas. Effective Member of the Psychologists Order. Integrated Researcher and Member of the Commission at RECI – Research Coordination at Research in Education and Community Intervention (Research & Development Unit – R&D). Collaborator of CINTESIS-Center for Health Technology and Services Research (R&D). Experience as external consultant for quality assurance in international projects. Dr Rita Barros is author of several scientific publications in national and international refereed journals, books and book chapters, and conference proceedings. Her research interests include Adult Education and Lifelong Learning, online education and the teaching-learning processes mediated by learning management systems.

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